# Extend Login

This page covers various options available to customize the login system.

# Customize login, logout and register pages

To customize the pages, create a copy of the folder application/views/auth to application/third_party/views/auth. The third_party folder is used so your changes are not overwritten when upgrading your nada to newer versions.

login page

To change the login page with styles or formatting, you can edit the template file from the third_party folder application/third_party/views/auth/login.php.

The templates for other pages are:

  • user registration - auth/create_user.php
  • forgot password - auth/forgot_password.php
  • user profile - auth/profile_view.php

# Replace Login with Azure

You can replace the default login with Azure based authentication. NADA includes the drivers to use the Azure authentication. To enable Azure authentication:

  1. Edit application/config/auth.php file. Make sure, the AzureAuth is list under authentication_drivers:

$config['authentication_drivers'] = array(
    'DefaultAuth'   => 'application/libraries/Auth/DefaultAuth.php',
    'SsoAuth'       => 'application/libraries/Auth/SsoAuth.php',
    'AzureAuth'     => 'application/libraries/Auth/AzureAuth.php'        

  1. Switch authentication: To use the Azure authentication, change the value for authentication_driver:
$config['authentication_driver'] = 'DefaultAuth';

Change the value to:

$config['authentication_driver'] = 'AzureAuth';
  1. Set Azure client_id and tenant_id: Update the config file and fill in the values. You only need to change client_id and tenant_id.

$config['azure_auth']['token_endpoint'] = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/'.$config['azure_auth']['tenant_id'].'/oauth2/token';
$config['azure_auth']['logout_endpoint'] = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/'.$config['azure_auth']['tenant_id'].'/oauth2/logout';

  1. Save the file

# Replace login with your custom solution

You can extend or replace login with your own custom solution by creating a new authentication driver.

  1. Create new driver class: Start by duplicating the default authentication class application/libraries/Auth/DefaultAuth.php to your own custom class e.g. application/libraries/Auth/CustomAuth.php

  2. Register your custom driver: Edit application/config/auth.php and add your custom auth driver

$config['authentication_drivers'] = array(
    'DefaultAuth'   => 'application/libraries/Auth/DefaultAuth.php',
    'SsoAuth'       => 'application/libraries/Auth/SsoAuth.php',
    'AzureAuth'     => 'application/libraries/Auth/AzureAuth.php',
    'CustomAuth'    => 'application/libraries/Auth/CustomAuth.php'

  1. Activate your custom driver: Edit the config file and change the authentication_driver value to your custom driver e.g. `CustomAuth'
$config['authentication_driver'] = 'DefaultAuth';

Change to:

$config['authentication_driver'] = 'CustomAuth';
  1. The driver class file application/libraries/Auth/CustomAuth.php can be used to override/replace the login, logout, register and other endpoints to handle the changes for new custom solution.